Visa and work permit for founders from a third country
You are an entrepreneur from a non-EU- or EEA-country (European Economic Area, i.e. the EU plus Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland), a so called “ third country” and would like to set up a business In Germany?
In this case you need the right kind of visa. Even a so called business visa will not be sufficient, as it only allows for repeated stays of up to 90 days per half year.
What you need instead is an entry visa and a residence permit. If you come form a so called priviledged country (Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, USA) you can come to Germany without a visa, but you have to apply for a residence permit that allows self-employment here.
Andre Kraus, lawyer and founder of the KRAUS GHENDLER RUVINSKIJ law firm, is your contact in matters of company formation, trade mark law, reputation protection and corporate law.
General requirements
Entry Visa
The entry visa is valid for three months and needs to be converted into a term residence permit by the immigration authority later.
Residence permit
The residence permit for the purpose of self-employment is is regulated in Art. 21 of the German Residence Act.
If you are not a self employed tradesperson, but you would like to work as a so called freelancer (Freiberufler), you have to apply for a residence permit for the purpose of freelance employment. Freelancers are for instance scientists, journalists, doctors, architects, artists, teachers or other professionals according to the German income tax act (§18 EStG)
Legal assistance
We offer legal assistance in obtaining a visa for incorporation and management in Germany. For entrepreneurs/single traders and freelancers and also for CEOs who are active as entrepreneurs.
We see to your visa. You focus on business
Obtaining an entry visa
You can apply for a visa for the purpose of self-employed occupation at your local German embassy. The embassy sends your application to the foreigners authority at your German future place of residence or location. In case of a positive decision by the authorities, the German embassy can grant the entry visa.
Obtaining a residence permit for the purpose of freelance employment
As a freelancer you can obtain a residence permit if you prove that
- you are able to finance your business plans and to make a living.
- You need a German permanent residence or a work visa that permits self-employment.
- You also must have clients in Germans,
- health insurance.and,
- if you are older tha 45, you need to prove appropriate pension provisions.
- In some professions you also need a permission to practice
Obtaining a residence permit for the purpose of self-employment
If you are a tradesperson and apply for a residence permit for the purpose of self-employment, you must meet strict additional requirements:
- There must be a commercial interest/ regional demand for your offer.
- Your activity must be expected to have positive effects on the economy and.
- personal capital on the part of the foreigner or a loan undertaking must be available, to realise your business idea.
If you get your business up running successfully and you are able to make a living, you can have your residence permit extended. After three years you can obtain a settlement permit for an unlimited period of time.
Documents required
Confirmation of registration/ proof of residence
Application forms
2 Passport photos
Proof of health insurance
Proof of adequate pension if OLDER THAN 45
Further documents regarding profession
Professional permit (if applicable)
Revenue forecast
Business- and financial plan ( not for freelancers)
Optional: examples of your work/ references/ recommendations, proof of experience
(This list is not exhaustive)
Steps to be taken
The authorities usually scrutinise the planned self-employed activity very thoroughly.
- They check if the business idea is is in accordance with the German Residence Act’s legal requirements and
- request a detailed business concept as well as
- a financial plan.
- The IHK is also consulted on this.
- After the visa is granted you may enter the country,
- apply for the residence permit according to § 21 Residence Act
- and set up your business enterprise/ company, if not yet done from abroad.
Overview of charges
For a visa or a residence permit you have to pay a fee.
- A residence permit usually costs up to 100 Euros.
- For a settlement permit you have to pay around 150 Euros.
- Visas cost about 80. Please note that these are only average charges.
Our services
We offer legal assistance in obtaining a visa for incorporation and management in Germany. For entrepreneurs/ single traders and freelancers and also for CEOs who are active as entrepreneurs.
If you would like to work with a company in Germany, you need a permanent work visa.
If you already have a have a work visa or a EU Blue Card you should check if it also permits self-employment.
We will be happy to give you legal assistance in obtaining a visa for incorporation and management in Germany by a “non-EU citizen”.
We support you as a managing director of a corporation from a “third country” (not EU or EEA citizen) in obtaining the mandatory residence and work permit. These are required in order to be able to establish and manage the company and can grant the managing director a right to stay and work in Germany and the EU. You will receive intensive advice as well as support with the applications to the relevant authorities.
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KRAUS GHENDLER RUVINSKIJ ist eine Kooperation der folgenden unabhängigen und rechtlich selbständigen Rechtsanwaltskanzleien: KRAUS GHENDLER Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB, GHENDLER RUVINSKIJ Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH und KRAUS Anwaltskanzlei (Rechtsanwalt Andre Kraus).