Beratung bei der GmbH Gründung

Sehr geehrter Herr Kraus,

ich plane eine Unternehmensgründung gemeinsam mit zwei Teammitgleidern. Wir sind auf der Suche nach einem Anwalt um uns bei der Ausgestaltung des Gesellschaftervertrags zu beraten und diesen zu erstellen. Zu den Themen die uns interessieren zählt:
– Vesting
– Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
– IP
– Investor Onboarding, auch Verfahren für Family & Friends investment

Auf Ihrer Webseite habe ich ein Paketangebot für die Gründung gefunden, welche Kosten kommen auf uns zu falls wir eine weitere Beratungsstunde benötigen?

Des Weiteren stellen wir uns die Frage welche rechtliche Beratung nach der Gründung sinnvoll für uns ist. Deswegen die Frage welche Leistungen bzw. Fachrichtung ein Anwalt/ eine Anwältin haben sollte um unsere GmbH als “Haus und Hof” Anwalt zu unterstützen. 

mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Valentin Garbe

Beendigung GmbH

Meine GmbH befindet sich in Frankfurt am Main. Haben Sie die Möglichkeit die verfahren der Beendigung meiner Firma ohne Sperrzeit zu übernehmen ???? Soweit ich selber mich darüber erkündigt habe, meine Firma ist berechtigt ohne Sperrzeit aufgelöscht zu werden, da sie seit 01.04.2021 keine Förderungen und Verbindlichkeiten hat und die übrig bleibende Vermögen der Firma besteht aus weniger als 4000 Euro, die wird auf Begleichung Ihre Kosten, Steuerberater und Notar ausgegeben und am Ende das wird Null oder sogar Negative.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Auflösung meiner GmbHs

Können Sie mir behilflich sein meine Palladio Film GmbH und Co. KG und meine jaacoo GmbH aufzulösen? Und was wird das ungefähr kosten?

GmbH Löschung

Ich möchte gerne wissen ob eine GmbH die in 2019 gegründet wurde, man löschen kann, 2019 gabt eine Jahresabschluss aber dann nichts mehr um diese zu Liquidieren ist sehr lang und mit kosten verbunden, daher möchten fragen ob eine schnelle Löschung in frage kommt.
Vielen dank im Voraus
Daniela Acosta

UG Gründung

Aktuell verfügen wir über keinen Firmensitz, ist es möglich diese dann nachzutragen ?

Setting up a company

Dear Mr. Kraus,

I hope you’re doing well.
My name is Firas Ouerguene, and I live and work in Berlin as an E-Commerce Manager.
I would like to set up a business in Germany where I will be the only one operating it. It will be a trade business where I will be importing goods (Kimonos, bags, shoes, accessories) and selling them solely online.

Description of the business:

The aim of my business is to import products and put them in a warehouse in Germany (Berlin). I will only sell online (E-Commerce, B2C), I will have my own online shop and will also use online marketplaces such as Amazon, Zalando, and Etsy.
I will mainly sell in Germany at the beginning, but then as the business grows I will expand to Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy, Netherlands, and Spain (and then the United States in 2027).
I’m projecting sales of around 15000 € for the first year, then 60000 € in the second year.

Services needed:

I’m getting in touch with you because I need support regarding the following services:
Advice on setting up the business and the type of legal form (whether Sole Proprietorship or Sole Proprietorship e.K, or UG).
Knowledge about what to do and what not to do about importing goods into Germany especially in terms of taxes (trade taxes, custom taxes).
Tax declaration in Germany.
International taxes: For example, when expanding to countries such as Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands (just selling online), what needs to be taken into consideration in terms of taxes.
Taxes declaration for the business (I will launch in July 2023).
Clear and concise communication regarding the steps on how to proceed.

Can you please let me know about the pricing for a kick off meeting and/or to work together in the long term?

I hope that was a clear explanation of the bigger picture of the online trade business I’d like to set up. Please let me know if we could proceed in having a kick off meeting at your convenience to further discuss the next steps. You can contact me by email at or by phone at +49 176 3688 2406.

Thank you for your time and consideration, I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,
Firas Ouerguene

UG Gründung

Mir ist die Frage im Gründungsauftrag
“Gründung durch Gründungsvollmacht (lediglich Begleitung ohne persönliche Vertretung)*” nicht ganz klar.

Setting up a company

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope you’re doing well.

My name is Firas Ouerguene, and I live and work in Berlin as an E-Commerce Manager.
I would like to set up a business in Germany where I will be the only one operating it. It will be a trade business where I will be importing goods (my own clothing brand which include Kimonos, bags, shoes, accessories..) and selling them just online.

Description of the business:

The aim of my business is to import products and put them in a warehouse in Germany (Berlin). I will only sell online (E-Commerce, B2C), I will have our own online shop and will also use online marketplaces such as Amazon, Zalando, and Etsy.
I will mainly sell in Germany at the beginning, but then as the business grows I will expand to Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy, Netherlands, and Spain.
I’m projecting sales between 12k to 15k € for the first year, then 50k € in the second year.
I would also like to use my brand name, which is Fiahki, specially for the website (and Point of Sales).
I’m still not sure whether to set up a Sole Proprietorship or UG, and it would be also great to get some advise regarding this point as well (specially in terms of Bookkeeping expenses, and I would like to avoid the double entry bookkeeping if it involves a lot of costs)

I hope that was a clear explanation of the bigger picture of the online trade business I’d like to set up. Please let me know if we could proceed in having a kick off meeting at your convenience to further discuss the next steps.

Thank you for your time and consideration, I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,
Firas Ouerguene

Setting up a company

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope you’re doing well. If you prefer communication in German, please let me know, I will update it to German.

My name is Firas Ouerguene, and I live and work in Berlin as an E-Commerce Manager.
I would like to set up a business in Germany where I will be the only one operating it. It will be a trade business where I will be importing goods (my own clothing brand which include Kimonos, bags, shoes, accessories..) and selling them just online.

Description of the business:

The aim of my business is to import products and put them in a warehouse in Germany (Berlin) where I’m currently living. I will only sell online (E-Commerce, B2C), I will have our own online shop and will also use online marketplaces such as Amazon, Zalando, and Etsy.
I will mainly sell in Germany at the beginning, but then as the business grows I will expand to Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy, Netherlands, and Spain.
I’m projecting sales between 12k to 15k € for the first year, then 50k € in the second year.

I would also like to use my brand name, which is Fiahki, specially for the website (and Point of Sales).
I’m still not sure whether to set up a Sole Proprietorship or UG, and it would be also great to get some advise regarding this point as well (specially in terms of Bookkeeping expenses, and I would like to avoid the double entry bookkeeping IF it involves a lot of costs)

I hope that was a clear explanation of the bigger picture of the online trade business I’d like to set up. Please let me know if we could proceed in having a kick off meeting at your convenience to further discuss the next steps.

Thank you for your time and consideration, I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,
Firas Ouerguene


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